Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Logo Ideas for Initiative

Concept Statement
Sitting alone, I reach. Someone takes my hand, I turn to find not just one person but many: A chain of people, connected. Together we move forward to the outreached hands of others.

Design Objectives

- to suggest a sense of inclusiveness
- to suggest diversity
- to suggest enthusiasm for helping others
- to suggest an alternate after-school activity 

- to suggest awareness for self-improvement
- to suggest participation within one’s community
- to suggest “cool”
- to suggest the long term benefits of involvement
- to suggest a diverse socioeconomic and cultural environment


  1. Hi Erin!

    I really like the colors that are created by crossing colors in the middle left side of the map one. The side stripes give the project a really calming, fun feel.

    I think that my favorite logo is the LM, where the L is in the circle, and the M is simple.

    I'd be interested to see what the angle of the M would create for more advertising materials. What words are you pulling from to create these images? I'd say that, although the L circle one with the M is my favorite, I also like the city one. I'd be apprehensive to keep the globe green because it's beginning to look like a tennis ball.

    It looks good, Erin! The one on top, where the M from Motion is large and expressive, I don't think gives the idea of "young". It kind of looks like the M from Pure Michigan, which might remind kids of family vacations, lol. I'd look more at typefaces that might look clean and bold, like the L and the M from the second batch!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Erin:

    I think the color palette, I think it is strongly suggestive of what you wanna us to feel about your initiative. Especially the first one, it is nice to fit in your target audiences-the kids. I think it is vivid to provoke the excitement.

    I think the first logo is more interested, I prefer the towels/building one but I think the globe is somehow extra. So as the ribbon, I think you can break the shape of the circle and incorporate the map into that area if you want to, you can also incorporate the type into that area, cause I think the one you did in the first pic bottom left is a little strange, works more with the position, and I hope you can find a better solution.

    I also feel bold color should appear in your identity to suggest strong feelings of together, community, fun, happy,etc. and irregular shapes can help you find that to break the forms a little bit, add more enthusiasm within your components.

    I hope this would help you a little bit.
    Have a fun spring break!

