Monday, October 17, 2011


Rare experiences:

-Running races with my family
     These are one of my favorite things in life! My mom's family is all runners, and we find fun occasions to do races together.

-Going out
     My schedule doesn't allow much time for this, so the chances are few and far between!

Daily experiences:

-Getting ready in the morning
     because I work everyday in addition to school, I have to prepare for all my classes and for my own students that I teach. Mornings are rushed and hectic!

-Teaching skating
      I am a figure skating coach. I have private students of my own and a lot of responsibilities. My lessons are somewhat planned out, and my students and I have very specific goals and plans. I do this 6 days per week, and several hours everyday.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

These are my final storyboards for the animated dictionary project. I used the word ice. This was my first time using Flash, and I despite the occasional frustrations I really enjoyed it. The timing of my piece overall turned out a bit too slow. I had other small timing issues too, for instance when the letters fall in to fill up the word ICE. I wish the overall video was more concise, but I am pleased with the final project.